Browsing All posts tagged under »science«

Github for Science: A Concept

July 4, 2012


So coding and science have a rocky relationship. Scientists write programs to do all sorts of things: control experiments, process data, visualize it, store it in databases, solve maths problems, and more. But scientists are not software architects. Nor are they often terribly good project managers. What this means is that code that is crucial […]

Why all of science should use Python

July 3, 2012


Bit of a nerdy one today, and not one relating to anything in particular. It’s just that over the past months i’ve become increasingly obsessed with the Python programming language. It’s just beautiful – I’m not going to go into much details as they can be found on, but in short python can be […]

An Environmentalist at a Car show

March 13, 2012


So I was fortunate enough to visit the Geneva Auto Show. Now normally this isn’t really a prime destination for me. I am what you might call a car-skeptic. Ok maybe that’s too strong a term. I do drive if I must but I always feel that driving is something of a failing – either […]

Reductionism, Complexity, and Personality Types

September 6, 2010


There is a branch of psychology that classifies people into “types” of personality. There are a number of variations, but a common scheme is this: Extroversion or Introversion Sensing or Intuition Thinking or Feeling Judging or Perceiving People are in one of each of these categories leading to 16 personality types. This is classical reductionism: […]

Speedy thoughts on climate change deniers

July 9, 2009


This is one that's been going through my head a lot. Partly it's the sort of "that's what I should have said" frustration, only in this case the frustration is not having been present at a couple of discussions. In these particular discussions a friend of mine who has and continues to do excellent work […]